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Floyd County 4-H Fairgrounds Raised Beds
2818 Green Valley Rd, New Albany, IN


Our team maintains 12 raised beds along with the rain garden located on the grounds. The beds
are planted with perennial herbs, and flowers along with some annual flowers. The plants are
carefully chosen to be pollinator friendly. Attracting pollinators to the nearby Community
Gardens have been very beneficial. The gardens serve as education and inspiration for those
attending the 4 H Fair, and the many community members who walk the paths.


We love serving our community and hope to increase our gardens and the education they can
provide to the community in the future.

Next Sunnyside MG  Meeting

February 4,

6:30 PM


Jody Dahmer​

Gardening in Front Yards, Verges, and Hellstrips


Meeting Agenda


Zoom Only

Zoom Link

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