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Clark County Fairgrounds Demonstration Gardens
9608 Hwy. 62, Charlestown, IN

IIn 2013 a series of raised beds were constructed at the Clark County Fair-grounds by the Master Gardeners. The Demonstration Garden was constructed to educate the public on gardening techniques while introducing new, heirloom or unique varieties of vegetables and herbs. Plant specimens include annual and perennial varieties. Our garden hopes to inspire the public by ideas, plants, and techniques that can be incorporated into a home garden.

This location encourages the public to drive by slowly, park, and walk in the garden at leisure. Vegetables are labeled with the type and variety for identifi-cation. Two pollinator pockets were planted near the garden to attract pollinators and beneficial insects to the garden. We built compost bins and utilize the com-post on the beds to improve our soil composition. All produce from this garden is donated to the local food bank.


Next Sunnyside MG  Meeting

February 4,

6:30 PM


Jody Dahmer​

Gardening in Front Yards, Verges, and Hellstrips


Meeting Agenda


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