Falls of the Ohio
201 W. Riverside Drive, Clarksville, IN
In 1999, the landscaping around the flag pole at the Interpretive Center was approved as a Sunnyside Master Gardener project. Weeds and horsetail had to be dealt with and perennials were in need of dividing. After working several weekends, the garden was under control and easier to manage.
In 2001, the Master Gardeners began maintaining three other areas in front of the Center. Compost and mulch were spread in all the beds to keep weeds in check and to conserve moisture.
In 2008, the flag pole beds required a complete makeover because the perennials made it difficult to keep the Bermuda grass out of the beds. All the small plants were removed and now only abelia shrubs, dogwood trees and but-terfly bushes remain. A deep layer of mulch was spread around the shrubs and trees, making it much easier to maintain. In addition, we often help maintain the hospice garden adjacent to the entry gardens.
The Sunnyside Master Gardeners still maintain the gardens, spreading mulch, and performing spring, summer and fall clean-up. Volunteers work on Thursday mornings in the spring to clean up and check on weeds, usually two days in April and two in May, and then once a month until October to keep the landscaped areas looking good. The Falls of the Ohio is a great place to work and an opportunity to see the grounds and a variety of native plantings.

Next Sunnyside MG Meeting
February 4,
6:30 PM
Jody Dahmer​
Bluegrass Thunder
Yardens: Gardening in Front Yards, Verges, and Hellstrips
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