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Farmers Markets


The Master Gardeners staff an information booth at the New Albany and Jeffersonville Farmer’s Markets twice a month in June, July, August and September. The first Saturday of those months we do the Jeffersonville market and the second Saturday we are at New Albany.

In June we try to have a plant give away which is a native shrub or tree and other months have perennial or annual plants to give away. Those plants come from our volunteer’s gardens. We also have donated flower and vegetable seed to give out. We answer garden questions and promote Sunnyside Master Gar-deners and share proper gardening practices.

We always have a hands-on activity for the children which attracts the parents to the booth. The activity is always a pollinator friendly project or garden related so we can promote butterfly, honeybees, moths, bats, native bees and all pollinators and have handouts with pertinent information.


Next Sunnyside MG  Meeting

September 30, 6:00 PM

Whitehall Garden


Lesa Smith

Growing Garlic​

Meeting Agenda

Zoom Link

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