Sunnyside Master Gardener Association is dedicated to serving southern Indiana counties by providing volunteer service for community beautification, education in good gardening practices, and by sharing their common interest and love of gardening. We have an active community of gardeners who enjoy the educational and social aspects of our monthly meetings, tours, advanced training opportunities, and community informational events.
How do I join? Complete your Master Gardener training and internship. The Master Gardener Program, offered by the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service, provides a rich and deep background in a wide variety of horticultural subjects. In turn, participants volunteer in their choice of many exciting community gardening projects for a minimum of 35 hours to become a certified Purdue Master Gardener.
What does it cost? Materials and expenses for the 14-week series of classes range from $125 to $175.
For a downloadable brochure with application form, please click here. Enrollment is limited.
Transferring membership? All certified Master Gardeners are welcome to join our group. For more information, contact Gina Anderson,
Next Sunnyside MG Meeting
February 4,
6:30 PM
Jody Dahmer​
Bluegrass Thunder
Yardens: Gardening in Front Yards, Verges, and Hellstrips
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