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Youth Master Gardener Program
Georgetown Optimist Club

8260 State Road 64, Georgetown, IN


A garden program for children was started in June of 2002 at Community Park in New Albany and moved to Georgetown in 2004, teaching children ages 8 -12 how to grow flowers and vegetables. The class schedule covers topics such as soils and composting, plant growth and development, pest and beneficial insects, annuals and perennials, fruits and nuts, and herbs and vegetables. Each of these topics is supplemented with hands-on activities with the children.

Integral to the learning experience, each child plants, tends and harvests in half of a 4’ X 18’ raised bed, under the guidance of an SMG mentor. The children learn that vegetables come from the soil, not from the supermarket, and that the labor of gardening is rewarded by a fresh harvest.


Additionally, at least 2 raised beds are dedicated to producing vegetables for local food pantries, a lesson in sharing with those less fortunate.

Classes are held on seven Monday mornings in June and July.


Youth Master Gardener Registration Form

Next Sunnyside MG  Meeting

February 4,

6:30 PM


Jody Dahmer​

Gardening in Front Yards, Verges, and Hellstrips


Meeting Agenda


Zoom Only

Zoom Link

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