The Paintbox Garden
62 W. 7th Street, Jeffersonville, IN
Located next to the painted water tower at the NoCo Arts and Cultural Dis-trict in Jeffersonville and near an electrical station, the garden brings an oasis of color from natural sources in an area of other art exhibits. This garden was the inspiration of Tammy Burke, resident artist at the NoCo Arts District. She envi-sioned a garden based on Color Theory using the primary colors Red, Yellow, and Blue. She engaged Bob Hill, local garden guru and former proprietor of Hidden Hill Nursery. He asked Karen Bryant of Bloomin’ for You to join the team as the gar-den designer. With the help of other volunteers and donations from the public, the garden was born. The design incorporates the red, yellow and blue colors, and relies on succession planting so that there are blooms from Spring to Autumn.
Not only were the specified colors used in plant selection, but the ability to use plants for dyes was considered. Interestingly, depending on the plant, the dyes come from flowers and even roots. Nearly all the plants are excellent for pollinators through the seasons. The garden has also been certified as a Monarch Waystation.
Next Sunnyside MG Meeting
February 4,
6:30 PM
Jody Dahmer​
Bluegrass Thunder
Yardens: Gardening in Front Yards, Verges, and Hellstrips
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